Friday 18 June 2021

5 common food allergies

 in this blog, I'm going to tell you the 5 most common allergies

one of the most common allergies is peanuts and it's also one of the most fatal allergies since peanut traces can be found in a lot of food

another one is shellfish and obviously people with this allergy they're very wary about seafood restaurants

wheat is also an allergy except while kids can outgrow the allergy when an adult has a wheat allergy they have the allergy for the rest of their life

milk is one of the most known food allergies but it's different from being lactose intolerance since it's the bodies reaction to the nutrients inside of the milk which stops you from having stuff like yogurt or ice cream but since it's more common for kids you can grow out of their allergy

and finally, soy is also an allergy and of course, the soy is from soybeans the allergy is more common for kids under the age of 3 but adults can still get it and if you are allergic to soy and if you like high energy bars then also read what's in it or ask a friend to taste it to see what's in it